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Understanding who and what you are online (No metaphysics involved)

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30 November 2011

Understanding who and what you are online (No metaphysics involved)

Article excerpt

I’m doing a training session on Linkedin next week at a small industry conference and I’ve spent the morning preparing some of the content.  I’ve been reflecting on the increasingly important role that LinkedIn is playing in my professional life. Interestingly, it’s value to me is partly because I treated it as the poor cousin to Facebook for so long.  What I’m finding is that I made lots of mistakes ...
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Social Media – My 5% Rule (Part 2)

Article particulars

21 November 2011

Social Media – My 5% Rule (Part 2)

Article excerpt

In my last post, I tried to explore why social media hasn’t made much of an impact on Australian real estate marketing. In this post, I’d like to explore how it can be applied by marketing managers.  Firstly, I’m a believer that social media is a fundamentally decentralised medium, so the concept that all content will be managed by the marketing department is a pipe dream.  However, I think that as marketers, we can...

Social Media – My 5% Rule (Part 1)

Article particulars

20 November 2011

Social Media – My 5% Rule (Part 1)

Article excerpt

    The real estate industry seems to be moving away from the initial hysteria engendered by social media and skepticism seems to be setting in. The enthusiasm that Peter Taliangis‘ speaking tour generated for all things social has resulted in lots of agents setting up Linked in profiles, but very few listings.  I get asked all the time how social media should be set up and I thought I’d explore my thinking in a...